Health Benefits of Apple


Apples are one of the most cultivated and consumed fruits in the world, it is often praised as a “miracle food” and “nutritional powerhouse”, an apple a day really keeps the doctor away. Apples belong to the Rosaceae family and its botanical name is Malus Pumila.
Apple Fruit are originated in Central Asia, and widely grown in Asia and Europe and were introduced in North America by the colonists. It contains more than the 7,500 varieties of fruits and they come in a variety of colors like red, yellow, and green.


Types of Apple

  • Granny Smith
  • Cripps Pink
  • Golden Delicious
  • Jazz
  • Jonagold
  • Opal
  • Rome
  • Sonya
  • Cortland
  • Liberty

Nutritional Value

Apple is a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium and Iron.
Serving Size: 109 grams
Energy - 57 kcal Carbohydrates - 15 g
Fat - 0.2 g Protein - 0.3 g
Water - 86 g Sodium - 1.1 mg
Saturated fat - 0 g Polyunsaturated fat - 0.1 μg
Monounsaturated fat - 0 g Potassium - 116.6 mg
Dietary fibre - 2.6 g Sugar - 11 g
Vitamin A - 1% Vitamin C - 8%
Magnesium - 1% Cholesterol - 0 mg

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Health Benefits of Apples

Health Benefits of Apple

Following are the best apple health benefits which help to keep you away from the doctor.

Good for Healthier Heart

According to studies apples and apple juice may help to reduce the oxidation process which is involved in the build-up of plaque that leads to the Heart Diseases. It contains dietary fiber, which helps to lower your blood cholesterol levels.
The Phenolic compound present in apple skin prevents the cholesterol to get into your system from solidifying artery walls. When plaque builds inside your arteries, it helps to reduce the blood flow to your heart, which leads to coronary artery disease.

Prevent Cancers

By consumption of Favanoid -rich apples could help lower your risk of developing pancreatic cancer up to 23 percent. Researchers identified that triterpenoids in apple peel contain potent anti-growth activities which fight against cancer cells in the liver, colon, and breast. Apples contain the high fiber which intake can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Good for Weight Loss

Pectin fibre helps to reduce the body’s absorption of excess dietary fats. Apples consist of high dietary fibre which helps u feel full for longer time. According to studies, it states that fibre takes the longest time to digest, which keeps you satiated and prevents you from the sugar-laden foods. In long run, it helps in weight loss.

Good for Bone Health

Apples are effective in strengthening bones and plays a crucial role in overall bone health. Favanoid phlorizin found in an apple skin, that prevent the bone loss associated with menopause. Apples are rich in calcium, and calcium is one of the key nutrients that promote the bone health.

Boosts Immune System

Red Apples contains a quercetin antioxidant, which helps to boost the immune system of the body. Apples also contain other nutrients like vitamin C, dietary fibre which boosts the immune system.

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Interesting Facts about Apple

  • In the United States, 2,500 varieties of apples are available.
  • 7,500 varieties of apples are available all over the world.
  • Apple is a rich source of fibre, one apple contains the five grams of fibre.
  • To produce first fruit apple tree takes the four to five years.
  • Apples vary in size from a little larger than a cherry to a grapefruit.
  • It is a member of the rose family.
  • Apple trees grow up to 40 feet high and live over 100 years.
  • For producing one apple it takes energy from 50 leaves.
  • China, United States, Turkey, Poland, and Italy are worlds top producers of apple.

Risks and Precautions of Apples

There is no any serious side effects are linked to apple consumption. Apple seeds contain cyanide, which is a powerful poison. So, always recommended not to consume the apple seeds. Researchers said that eating acidic foods throughout the day is most damaging. So, an apple a day is good but consuming whole day can damage your teeth.

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